IT Checklist

Here are expert articles written by IT managers from cutting edge companies.

Our goal is to help modern IT management improve their operation, security and communication.

IT Security Checklist
Manager Checklist

IT Strategy

How to Create a Comprehensive IT Strategy

IT Operating Model

Office Setup

IT Equipment Leasing Models

Remote IT Management with BIG

Alexander Bøegh
Alexander Bøegh

Office Technology

Business Cell Phone Plans

Choosing an ISP

HVAC Basics

Laws on Surveillance Cameras in The Workplace

Meeting and Conference Room Booking

Office Security Systems

Video Conferencing Tips

User facing IT

Device Management

Fixing Bad WiFi

On and Offboarding

Yubikey Review - Hardware Auth Tokens for Two Factor

Vendor Management

Certified Google Administrator

IT Budgets

Vendor Security Assessments

IT Security Checklist

Tips from experts on securing your IT stack

IT Security Checklist